Grade Apostille


Grade Apostille

Do you need an Apostille on the Grade of a Notary Public? We will help you immediately and you will have your documents ready within a few minutes. With us, you avoid processing times of 1-2 days and get the documents stamped immediately. Our office is at Kungsgatan 37, 5 stairs up (elevator available), and we have Drop-In between 09.00-16.00 every weekday. Other times we can help by agreement. Go up to the 5th floor at Kungsgatan 37, then go down the corridor to find our office. Call 08-502 353 37 if you have problems finding. It is also possible to get help online - contact us via the form on the right.

Apostille stamp on Grade

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to get your grades Apostilleed and its importance to foreign employers and universities. In today’s globalized world, it is increasingly common for individuals to seek opportunities abroad for work and study. An important step in this process is often to validate one’s academic credentials, and for that purpose many universities and employers may require an Apostille on your grade. Let’s explore what this means and why it is so important.

What is a grade from a Swedish university/university or high school?

A grade from a Swedish college, university or high school is official documentation of an individual’s academic achievements. It usually includes information about courses completed, grades achieved and any degree information. Grades in Sweden are usually assigned on a scale from A to F, where A is the highest grade and F means that the course is not approved. This grading scale provides a standardized assessment of a student’s performance, which is particularly valuable when it comes to international comparison. When it comes to university grades, the grading scale can vary.

Why Do Foreign Employers or Universities Require Grades with Apostille?

Foreign employers and universities sometimes request an apostille to ensure the authenticity and validity of the presented grades. An apostille can be described as a Notary Public confirming the authenticity of the grade and making it internationally valid. By Apostille-stamping the grades, the Notary Public confirms that the grade was issued by an administrator at the respective school and with the Apostille stamp, the grade becomes acceptable internationally. This is particularly important at a time when forgeries and inauthentic documents can create problems for employers and universities.

Advantages of Grade on Apostille:

  1. International Acceptance: A grade with an apostille is easier to accept abroad, as it certifies that the document is genuine and issued by an authorized institution.
  2. Trust: Employers and universities can trust the validity and content of the grade when it is Apostille stamped. This creates a foundation of trust between the parties.
  3. Smooth Application Process: For students applying to foreign universities, a grade with an apostille can make the application process smoother and faster. It reduces the risk of applications ending up in unnecessary bureaucracy.
  4. Clarity: Requesting an apostille makes it easier to verify an individual’s academic background and the accuracy of grades. This contributes to increased clarity and minimizes misunderstandings.

Examples of Situations where Grade Apostille is Required:

  1. Foreign Employment: When you apply for work in another country, the employer may require Apostille-stamped grades to confirm your education and skills.
  2. University application: Many foreign universities require apostille-stamped grades to assess your application and placement. This helps them ensure that you meet the necessary requirements.
  3. Professional Licensing: If your professional license requires an educational background, Apostille-stamped grades may be necessary for the licensing process. This is common in fields such as medicine, law and engineering.


Obtaining an Apostille on your grades is an important part of international applications and validation of academic achievements. It is a way to ensure the authenticity and acceptance of your grades from Swedish colleges and universities when you plan to study or work abroad. By following the requirements and processes necessary to get your grades apostilled, you can open doors to exciting opportunities around the world. Take control of your future and let your grades with apostille be the key to a successful international career or educational experience.

More about Apostille

You have probably at some point heard the word and that you need an Apostille, but rarely had it explained to you what it actually is. In this section, we explain what an Apostille , or in other words an Apostille stamp, actually is and what its function is.

5 important things to know about Apostille:

  1.  An Apostille is valid in the countries that have signed the Hague Convention
  2.  Only a Notary Public issues Apostilles
  3.  When a document is certified with an Apostille, it does not need to be certified further by, for example, visiting an embassy.
  4.  An Apostille can in many cases be stamped without you being physically present at a Notary Public
  5.  Simply put, an Apostille is a stamp that certifies the authenticity of an official document.

What is an Apostille?

First of all, an Apostille is a certification that a document issued by an authority has been signed and stamped by an authorized person employed by the authority. Above all, the purpose of the Apostille stamp is simplified to act as an assurance for foreign actors (authorities, companies, etc.) that the document is genuine.

In summary, the stamp’s main function is thus to certify that the document was issued by an authorized person who works at the authority, and that it is authorized to sign the document. Simply put – certifying the authenticity of the document to ensure that it is not a forgery.

It is primarily documents issued by authorities that are provided with an Apostille stamp. However, they can also be documents that have been issued by authorized translators , doctors and other Notaries Public .

Can a Notary Public issue an Apostille?

Yes. Important to know is that the only person who can do this is a Notary Public with the appointment they received from the County Board. But how does it actually work? In summary, an Apostille is a kind of certification for documentation that, usually, must be presented to foreign actors. For example, for a bank, estate agent, foreign authority, etc. The Apostille stamp certifies that the document has been officially certified by an elected person from the Swedish state. This means that confidence that the document is de facto genuine is strengthened. In other words, this means that the document does not need to be certified by, for example, a Swedish embassy or consulate, but a Notary Public’s certification is sufficient.

What is an Apostille stamp on a grade?

An Apostille is an official stamp that confirms the authenticity of your Swedish university grades for use abroad, especially when applying for work or studies. The stamp makes the document internationally valid.

When is an Apostille required for grades?

You need it when you apply for a job abroad, university studies in other countries or if your professional license requires proof of education.

How do I get an Apostille on my grades?

Come by our office at Kungsgatan 37, drop in every weekday 9am-4pm. You can also contact us at

Which countries use apostille?

Many countries use apostille to legalize documents to be used in other countries. There are a number of countries that have signed the Hague Convention of 1961, which is an international agreement for the use of apostilles. Countries that have signed the convention include Sweden, Spain, Estonia, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and many more.

How much does it cost to get an apostilles?

It costs SEK 499 to get an Apostille on a physical document.

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