Apostille from Abroad


Apostille from Abroad

Are you abroad and need an Apostille from a Notary Public? No problem, we can help you! The vast majority of cases can be handled online or by post. Contact us via the form on the right, at support@apostille24.se or call 08 502 353 37.

Apostille online

In many cases, the party to whom you have to present the document does not need to have the original document itself. In such cases, the entire process of Apostille can be done online and this is common for people who are outside Sweden. The documents can be sent to us via email, then printed, provided with an Apostille and then scanned in and sent back. Quick and easy! It is also possible to send the original documents to us by post and then, after they have been Apostilleed, have them sent via email.

Apostille by letter

If you are abroad and have original documents that need to be provided with an Apostille, we can also help you, without you having to come to Sweden. The easiest procedure is to send the documents to us by post. You can read more about how to get an Apostille by letter here.

After we have received the documents from you, we provide them with an Apostille and send them back to the address you have specified. Fast, easy and smooth!

Efter att vi har mottagit dokumenten från er så förser vi dem med Apostille och skickar dem tillbaks till den adress du har angivit. Snabbt, enkelt och smidigt!

5 important things to know about Apostille from abroad:

  1.  In most cases, the entire process of Apostille can be handled entirely online
  2.  Only a Swedish Notary Public can issue an Apostille on Swedish official documents
  3.  You can get an Apostille on your documents by letter
  4.  Only countries that are part of the Apostille Convention accept Apostilles.
  5.  If you are unsure of what applies in your situation – contact us for advice.

Examples of common documents that need an Apostille from abroad:

More about Apostille

Do you want to learn more about what an Apostille is and what is needed to get an Apostille on a document? If not, we recommend you follow this link to learn more about Apostille.

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